Assume that you are an independent young adult who has recently started working in your chosen field.
YOU are responsible for paying all your bills. You don’t have help from mom, dad, family or roommates!
In the next few pages, you will be presented with some options about where you live, what you drive, what you eat, and how you dress. You will need to make a choice on each page. Be aware that some choices come with extra expenses.
Track your choices on your TRANSACTION REGISTER. See instructions on Using a Transaction Register here.
Consider your budget and plan ahead, at the end, if you have spent more money than you brought home for the month, you’ll be in the red and will be required to subtract a $50 overdraft fee for each transaction you made that you did not have money for.
At the end, we will ask you to complete an online survey (anonymous). When this survey is complete, you will receive a certificate of completion. Save (or print) your completed Expenditure Worksheet, Transaction Register, and completion certificate and turn in to your teacher, if necessary.